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[PGBC Supporting Event] The Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards 2022

[PGBC Supporting Event] The Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards 2022

Following the tremendous success of the inaugural Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards (“The GBA Urban Design Awards”) in 2020, The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (HKIUD) will organise the bi-annual GBA Urban Design Awards 2022 in September with the support of the founding member Institutes from the Greater Bay Area Urban Designer Alliance and the Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The objective of the GBA Urban Design Awards is to elevate the overall urban design standard in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) through recognising excellence in urban design related projects in the GBA and fostering collaboration and exchange among urban designers, planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors and other urban design professionals, companies and organisations in the GBA.

Urban design professionals and organisations in the GBA are invited to nominate urban design projects to participate in the GBA Urban Design Awards 2022 which is now open for nomination until 12 November 2022. To establish the credibility of the GBA Urban Design Awards, renowned representations from academia, practice firms and urban designers who have both abundant knowledge and expertise in urban design will be invited to be the Jury Panel. The Awards Adjudication will take place in November 2022 and the results will be announced at the 2022 Greater Bay Area International Conference on Urban Design in December 2022. The Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held in February 2023 in Hong Kong.

The GBA Urban Design Awards is comprised of the Professional Category and the Student Category. In 2022, a new category of Urban Design Video Competition is created which is open to the general public (Open Category) and full-time students (Student Category) in all cities in the Greater Bay Area.

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