The Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) is stepping into its 20th Anniversary in 2022. A series of events will be organized throughout 2022 to commemorate the achievements of PGBC over these two decades, and to forge ahead for its enhanced and extended endeavors for promoting a better sustainable built environment through professional involvement.
To inaugurate the celebration of PGBC 20th Anniversary, we are now inviting Hong Kong's designers to showcase their creativity through participating in our 20th Anniversary Logo Design Competition.
For more detail, please refer to the PDF Document at "Competition Details".
Extended Submission Deadline: 3 Jan 2022 (Mon), 12:00nn
For enquiries, please contact:
Ms Mabel TAN
Event Secretariat
Tel: (852) 2159 4177
Mr Viktro MOK
PGBC Secretariat
Tel: (852) 3155 0421